Based on the Vision of the University and Faculty, the UPNVJT Informatics Study Program has formulated its vision, namely “DEVELOPING SUPERIOR INFORMATICS SCIENCE IN THE FIELD OF APPROPRIATE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS WITH A NATIONAL DEFENSE CHARACTER”. This vision is expected to be achieved in 2039.
In the period from 2020 to 2024, the direction of UPNVJT’s policy is to strengthen institutional capabilities that are oriented towards education and research with a national defense character to increase competitiveness at the ASEAN level, supported by human resources who have expertise and research excellence. Therefore, the University and Faculty of Computer Science Strategic Plan is the main reference in planning and implementing activity programs in the Informatics Study Program. The Informatics Study Program’s Scientific Vision has content in accordance with the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) for Bachelor level (Level 6) in accordance with the study program’s education level.